Fly System
Before using the rigging system ensure you have been appropriately trained.
The winch based fly system on stage moves the three lighting battens vertically.
As a reference consult these procedures.
- Ensure you have a full view of the pipe you are moving from side to side and the entire up and down distance it will travel
- Set pieces, orchestra shells, curtains, etc. will all block site lines from the console. In these cases enlist someone else to be additional eyes to ensure the pipeoves safely
- Do Not move a batten you or dedicated eyes can not see
- Always call out loudly what you are moving so everyone in the area can be aware
Safe Usage Terms preficed with the electric being moved.
For example: “First Electric Coming In”
- “Coming In” - Used when moving a pipe on a lineset in the down direction.
- “Going Out” - Used when moving a pipe on a lineset in the up direction.
- “Moving” - Used when continuing a move after a brief pause.